Embraceable Me

by Victor L. Cahn, directed by Edward Noel Wilson

October 12, 13, 14, 2007 (Fri.-Sun.) In this charming and witty romance, Allison and Edward share a 20 year relationship: romantic, stormy, farcical, and touching. From its start in college, their affection has been thwarted by their own idiosyncrasies. Yet they cannot stay apart. During the play, they alternate from past to present, reliving major moments, and explaining themselves to the audience and to each other. This is a comic, passionate struggle by two people to resolve their feelings for the most important person in their lives.

(Embraceable Me premiered at Theater Voices in May 1998 and subsequently played Off-Broadway in New York; it is being repeated as part of our 20th Anniversary celebration of noteworthy productions.)

Steamer No. 10 Theatre, 500 Western Ave, Albany, NY.
Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday matinees at 3:00 PM.
(Audience discussion with the director follows the Saturday matinee.)